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이터널리턴 이스포츠 위키

{{InfoboxNeue}} is a general use infobox template. See Module:InfoboxNeue for more documentation.


| snippet           = <!-- Text that goes after "Quick facts: ", defaults to the page's root name -->
| image             = <!-- File name without namespace prefix -->
| indicator         = <!-- Indicator data, required for the other indicator arguments -->
| indicatorClass    = <!-- Indicator class -->
| title             = <!-- The title -->
| subtitle          = <!-- The subtitle -->

| sectionX          = <!-- Section X' title -->
| section-subtitleX = <!-- Section X' subtitle -->
| section-colX      = <!-- Amount of columns in section X, defaults to 2 -->
<!-- or -->
| col               =
| labelY            = <!-- The label of item Y under section X, there mustn't be others with the same index (Y) -->
| contentY          = <!-- The content of item Y, is required for each label --> 


| indicator         = Indicator
| image             = Pico_at_New_Babbage_1_1.jpg

| title             = Hello world
| subtitle          = Lorem ipsum

| section1          = 1st section
| section-subtitle1 = 1st section's subtitle
| label1            = 1st item's label
| content1          = item's content

| section2          = 2nd section
| section-subtitle2 = 2nd section's subtitle
| label2            = 1st item's label
| content2          = 1st item's content
| label3            = 2nd item's label
| content3          = 2nd item's content
Hello world
Lorem ipsum
1st section
1st section's subtitle
1st item's label
item's content
2nd section
2nd section's subtitle
1st item's label
1st item's content
2nd item's label
2nd item's content